More FTC Progress

With our first competition this Saturday, I decided to upload some more pictures of the FTC robots. The Team A robot is still under heavy development, so this post will again be focused on Team B.

Near the beginning of the season, I installed LabView on our laptops and wired up the robot controllers.

Computer Controller

Team B built their robot’s base before they started focusing on the higher functions.

Base-1 Base-2

Over winter break, Brian took the bot home, and the team met at his house for several days. This is when the majority of the lift’s work was done.

IMG_20141219_123921 IMG_20141219_154113 IMG_20141219_171108 IMG_20141219_174207 IMG_20141219_175914 IMG_20141219_175919 IMG_20141220_144027 IMG_20141220_165437 IMG_20141220_165447 IMG_20141222_113148 IMG_20141222_114532 IMG_20141222_114553

Now that the bot is nearing completion, the team has been working on final documentation, pit training, and driving practice.


Stay tuned for a Team A update, and for the beginning of our FRC 2015 work!