FTC Teams Announced

https://makeitagarden.com/zolpidem-online-uk 7 October 2014 / Jacob Kauffmann / 0 Comments


At our meeting this past Monday, we took inventory of each club member’s focus, such as programming, building, or drawing. We then divided the club into two teams to take to FTC competitions. Oakville’s teams will develop separate robots and compete separately in competitions, but some key personnel, such as the lead builder (Brian Pohl) and the lead programmer (Jacob Kauffmann) will work with new members on both teams to teach everyone the basic skills they will need. Oakville’s 2014-2015 FTC Teams are as follows:


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 Team A

  • Emma (Team Leader)
  • Calvin
  • Drake
  • Erica
  • Jacob K.
  • Joe
  • Jon
  • Josh
  • Graysen
  • Kai
  • Marina
  • Nick

Team B

FTC Team Number: 201401264